Market Performance Analysis
We analyze, employing formal economic science, how much money buyers and sellers, both together and individually, leave on the table when participating in a particular buying and selling process. Many new markets fail because they benefit only one side of the market. We also understand the subtlies of designing markets that are "win/win" for buyers and sellers.
To be efficient, markets must sometimes enable buyers and sellers to easily and fully express their complex market orders. We specialize in the economic testing and development of markets that utilize complex mathematical algorithms that process such needs with the objective of finding the set of trades that minimizes the amount of money that is left on the table. Our extensive experience in testing and designing such markets enables us to quickly and efficiently evaluate and design new markets for the more efficient trading of a wide variety of assets, including transoceanic cargo capacity, electricity, emission credits, and radio spectra.
Software Development
The combination of advanced economic thinking and the Internet makes it possible to develop entirely new trading mechanisms that efficiently assign goods and services among buyers and sellers. In addition to database and clearing and settlement work, developing such markets requires creating simple graphic user interfaces. We have extensive experience in developing easy to use graphic user interfaces that enable market participants to simply and efficiently create a market order that fully expresses their market needs.
Market Operation
The performance of any market, as defined in terms of liquidity, price volatility, and trading volume must always be monitored in order to ensure its efficient operation. Siena has substantial experience in developing software that enables market administrators to monitor the operations of the market. The screen below is an example of software that we developed that allows the administrator of a market to monitor the performance of market for the trading of emissions credits.